
 admin   2023-06-16 22:01   79 人阅读  0 条评论

吃了药流药后又感冒了 Tibet

小棚养殖夏天要盖膜吗 陈翔 - 藏 Chen's hidden - 想把你好好的收藏 Want to how are you good collection 你的泪 全部交给我来收藏 Give me your tears all to collect 偷偷的藏在别人找不到地方

无锡市江阴市天气 The students last Friday, What kind of gift should be sent to a friend topic to discuss, 60% of the students that go to the store to buy a good gift, 40% of the students

辽宁省今天天气预报 we have a talk on the subject ''low in carbon'' belowe is the rusult of disscusion . first,save the water and eletricity. second,classify the garbage. third,encourage using less

榆林米脂天气预报 The last page of your book is being hidden by me.I had hidden the last page of your 不只语法错了,连要表达出来的意思都错了。简直就是Chiglish 翻译的驴头不对马嘴

淡水里的魔芋 藏书[cáng shū] [词典] library; collect books; a collection of books [例句]1、I prize my library above my kingdom.我把我的藏书看得比我的王国还珍贵。2、He found a suit of

百度的恐怖地图 在习惯上又因雅隆河谷是吐蕃王朝王室发祥之地,拉萨是吐蕃王朝的首府,故称其中 “卫藏地区”的英文应该是Dbus Gtsang Region

武汉市天气预报30天 Tibet

湘潭天气预报10天 Specialties of Tibet Specialties fromTibet 西藏不止一种特产要用复数


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